Dr. Frank Scott is Gatton Professor of Economics at the University of Kentucky. Formerly he has been an Assistant Professor at Auburn University and Assistant and Associate Professor at the University of Kentucky. He graduated from the College of William and Mary in 1973, majoring in economics. He received the Ph.D. in economics from the University of Virginia in 1979. His teaching interests include microeconomic theory, industrial organization, managerial economics, and law and economics. His research interests include industrial organization, regulation of business, public policy, and applied microeconomics in general. He has published in a variety of academic journals on topics such as franchising, antitrust, tax policy and labor compensation, utility regulation and ratemaking, the economics of lotteries, and the economics of professional sports industries. He has received funding for his research from a variety of federal and state sources. He has served as a consultant to several state and federal government agencies and as a consultant and expert witness for the U.S. Department of Justice and numerous private-sector businesses.